
One day I was looking at my dog’s mouth when I noticed a little bump growing just outside of his lip. First what started as one quickly started to multiply. The first one I spotted looked like a little pimple. Then it grew into a spongy looking sea anemone. I was FREAKING out! I researched it and found out it was called Papillomavirus. A very common disease amongst puppies and older dogs as their immune systems aren’t strong. It is saliva transferred. So if one dog at the park has it, he or she can spread the virus every dog she plays with when they nip each other in the mouth.

When I took my pup to the vet he suggested an antibiotic which I read does nothing. I decided to trust him. He’s a certified veterinarian after all. 10 days of Clavamox and just as I suspected, it did nothing. The doctor said that we can just wait for it to go away on its own but if not we can operate. Papillomavirus can get out of hand where it takes over the dog’s whole mouth and throat which can get dangerous as it constricts breathing. The vet said operating does not guarantee it will cure it and they can all just grow back. That was the last time I went to that doctor.

I went home and started doing my own research. It took a bit of digging but I finally found it! Thuja 200ck did the trick! I gave my pup 3 pellets twice a day and the bumps started to shrink within a week. After a few weeks they completely disappeared! It has to be 200ck Thuja though. Whole Foods and other health food stores have Thuja 20g which does nothing. I found my Thuja 200ck on Amazon. <3