Natural Flea Repellent

If you’re like me you may not be comfortable putting a pesticide on your furry, four-legged child. One year my pup’s flea infestation was so bad I almost picked up a box of Frontline. After seeing Bayer, who makes most of the country’s pesticides, is the manufacturer of Frontline I put the box back on the shelf. On top of that my dog has the MDR1 gene which means he has a drug sensitivity and cannot have those chemical flea treatments. I found this out through his Embark Health and Breed Kit.

Because of my dog’s drug sensitivity and my holistic lifestyle I researched other options for repelling fleas. I found out that Vitamin B50 repels fleas! You want to make sure the one you choose just has Vitamin B50 with as little other stuff in it that you can find because dog’s don’t need all that. After reading the ingredients of tons of bottles I found that Solgar’s B50 Complex seemed to have the simplest ingredients. My dog is 70 pounds so I give him one capsule a day. I just open it up and mix it in with his food. Bye bye fleas!